Monday, May 7, 2007

Rational Thinking Leaking Into the Main Stream Press

On the weekend, Claire Hoy had an editorial that was sure to be a hit in these parts. It had, Al Gore making millions from his fearmongering, David Suzuki as his sycophant, DoLittle Dion's hypocrisy on getting it done for climate change and slamming the Tories for their very un-conservative, mercury laced policy on light bulb regulation. Here's a taste:

I don't like Baird's green plan either. But only because it's playing into the hands of the green activists who would have you believe that the same people who can't accurately predict tomorrow's weather can -- by using the same computer models -- tell us what the weather will be doing 25 and 50 years from now. Think about that.

Three decades ago, these same people were warning us about "global cooling." Then it was acid rain which was going to end life as we knew it. And don't forget that deadly hole in the ozone layer. And so on.