Thursday, May 24, 2007

Suzuki Target of Canadian Blogger

Uh Oh...Dr. Fruit Fly has Angry on his ass.

Steve Janke (Angry in the Great White North) has a trilogy of posts painting David Suzuki in a very bad light. Go Steve!

David Suzuki: Hypocrite or Henpecked?
David Suzuki's grand Tangwyn property is a struggle for him
Suzuki Plays Some Type of Medievil lord

Vacation Over - No Rise in Ocean Levels

Actual picture from vacation!

We had an awesome time in the Caribbean. I spent a lot of time in the ocean and did not observe any noticeable rise in the level of the ocean. The research was self funded!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Gone for 2 weeks

I am taking a much needed vacation!

Because it is still too cold here, we are going to see first hand the effects of global warming in a more southerly climate.

Please check back for a full report!!

I wonder if I can claim it on taxes??? ....hmmmmm

PS...comments have been turned off in case someone wants to make mischief.

Rational Thinking Leaking Into the Main Stream Press

On the weekend, Claire Hoy had an editorial that was sure to be a hit in these parts. It had, Al Gore making millions from his fearmongering, David Suzuki as his sycophant, DoLittle Dion's hypocrisy on getting it done for climate change and slamming the Tories for their very un-conservative, mercury laced policy on light bulb regulation. Here's a taste:

I don't like Baird's green plan either. But only because it's playing into the hands of the green activists who would have you believe that the same people who can't accurately predict tomorrow's weather can -- by using the same computer models -- tell us what the weather will be doing 25 and 50 years from now. Think about that.

Three decades ago, these same people were warning us about "global cooling." Then it was acid rain which was going to end life as we knew it. And don't forget that deadly hole in the ozone layer. And so on.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Skeptics Turning Tide on Global Warming Debate

Check out Tom DeWeese's commentary on how global warming skepticism is gaining momentum in academia and the general public:

The mantra of the religion of Global Warming is getting a little boring. It's quite possible, however, that Gore's appearance on the Hill actually represents the beginning of the end of his influence on climate policy rather than the start of a legislative tsunami.

Why? Because even after the Global Warming storm troopers, armed with billions of dollars, the backing of the Hollywood elite, the news media and most of academia have done everything possible to threaten, bully and force their one-sided propaganda on us, the so-called global warming skeptics seem to be coming out of their hiding places in ever greater numbers. The debate is now taking a dramatic change.

As the skeptic side is heard, more Americans are beginning to understand that there are legitimate reasons for skepticism. Here are just a few of the latest developments.

Make sure you read the rest, it is worth the extra two minutes.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Global Warming is Over - Part II

Apparently, the earth's oceans have a large effect on global temperature.

Don't want to take my work for it? Ask the scientists:

Ocean currents to blame for warming: expert

THE United States' leading hurricane forecaster says global ocean currents, not human-produced carbon dioxide, are responsible for global warming.

William Gray, a Colorado State University researcher, also said the Earth may begin to cool on its own in five to 10 years.

Speaking to a group of Republican MPs, Dr Gray had harsh words for researchers and politicians who said man-made greenhouse gases were responsible for global warming.

"They are blaming it all on humans, which is crazy," he said.

"We're not the cause of it."

Yesterday, Dr Gray said that politics and research into global warming had created "almost an industry" that had frightened the public and overwhelmed dissenting voices.

He said research arguing that humans were causing global warming was "mush" based on unreliable computer models that could not possibly take into account the hundreds of factors that influenced the weather.

Earth's Climate Is Seesawing, According To Climate Researchers

Science Daily — During the last 10,000 years climate has been seesawing between the North and South Atlantic Oceans. As revealed by findings presented by Quaternary scientists at Lund University, Sweden, cold periods in the north have corresponded to warmth in the south and vice verse. These results imply that Europe may face a slightly cooler future than predicted by IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
We don’t know with certainty what will happen. Some attempts at measuring ocean currents suggest a recent weakening of the Gulf Stream, and the transport of heat to the North Atlantic region may well decrease in the future as a result of increased precipitation. Such a scenario might lead to less warming in Europe than predicted by the IPCC, but we will probably not face an arctic climate, summarizes Svante Björck.

Time for some comic relief

Saw these over at SDA:

"...advice on saving planet earth from a bunch of people who couldn't even save planet hollywood."

Rex Murphy has no love for lightbulb legislation, the Ontario Flick Off campaign or Sheryl "I only have one square to spare" Crow.