Lots to choose from today:
I have never thought of GW as a security issue before. They make a good point given the fact that currently global temperatures are rising. I have never denied this, I disagree with the enviro-cult's assertion that man is causing it. I am sure the spin will be that GW will cause wars and we should all be more frightened.
UN debates impact of global warming on world peace
MARGARET BECKETT (Britain's Foreign Secretary): Security Council is the forum to discuss issues that threaten the peace and security of the international community.
What makes wars start? Fights over water, changing patterns of rainfall, fights over food production, land use. There are few greater potential threats to our economies, too, if the Stern Report is correct, but also to peace and security itself.
This is an issue that threatens the peace and security of the whole planet, and the Security Council has to be the right place to debate it.
Here is an interesting headline: "Global warming may inhibit hurricanes". I thought Al Gore said that super-GW-hurricanes will cause unprecedented loss of life and property? Anyway, after reading the article, I get the sense that they actually have no idea how the slightly increasing global temperature will affect hurricanes. Even here, the enviro-kool-aid brigade (Martin Merzer - McClatchy Newspapers) never stops the rhetoric:
And that could counteract global warming's baking of the Atlantic Ocean, which some experts have predicted will grow so hot by the end of this century that it turbocharges hurricanes
If you read anything today, Kate at SDA has an excellent post. Do not skip the comments, there are some diamonds in the rough to be found!
Y2Kyoto: "66% Confident, 50% Sure"
Reader Phil Primeau (Defend Canada) has read the IPCC report so you don't have to. His summary;